Welcome to Toriko version 0.07,the year is currently 2000.
You have been been given a experimental copy of Qernz 0f,with trail number 08976-54309-%^&$*!.
Please verify your credentials with the keyboard that you have been provided with and has the serial number of #!@$%^&)(#*$WPOS(%*^#.
Verifying please wait.....
Tifinny stillman is that correct? Y/N
Im sorry but you are currently using the Frowny edition of Qernz 0f would you like to switch to the appropriate edition,Smiley? Y/N
Finalizing the startup process...
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Timezone is ICT correct? Y/N
Please enter an appropriate dream id
Tyme...Is that correct? Y/N
Verifying with yggle servers for duplicate names....
Please wait....
Please enjoy your stay here in Qernz 0f with your personalized care coordinator assistant, Smilely.